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Old February 12th, 2008, 04:30 AM
Chatter Chatter is offline
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Dell Dimension 3000 format?

Friend's computer....

How do you format a computer that just doesn't want to be formatted?

I am not able to get into bios to set the computer to boot from cd.

The thing doesn't come with a 3.5" floppy drive.

Dell apparently didn't feel it was important to include any recovery disks, OS disks or any disks at all.

She's got a genuine WinXP from another computer whose processor and motherboard bit the dust from lightening storm. She wants to install that instead of the garbage that came with the Dell.

To tell you the truth, I'm really getting frustrated with all the "extras" that are loaded in this computer as I have been the one maintaining it for a couple years now.

Also, with the current setup, it obviously prevents partitioning of drive, which is something else I'd like to have set up.

I have used the "recovery counsole" on previous occasions, but still ends up with crappy running product in the end.

Any help on how to get her out of this, would be greatly appreciated.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 04:52 AM
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Give this a shot. Some dells have a hidden restore partition.

Using Dell PC Restore by Symantec
NOTICE: Using Dell PC Restore permanently deletes all data on the hard drive and removes any application
programs or drivers installed after you received your computer. If possible, back up the data before using.

Use Dell PC Restore by Symantec only as the last method to restore your operating system. PC Restore
restores your hard drive to the operating state it was in when you purchased the computer. Any programs
or files added since you received your computer—including data files—are permanently deleted from the
hard drive. Data files include documents, spreadsheets, e-mail messages, digital photos, music files, and
so on. If possible, back up all data before using PC Restore.
To use PC Restore:
1 Turn on the computer.
During the boot process, a blue bar with www.dell.com appears at the top of the screen.
2 Immediately upon seeing the blue bar, press <Ctrl><F11>.
If you do not press <Ctrl><F11> in time, let the computer finish starting, and then restart the
computer again.
NOTICE: If you do not want to proceed with PC Restore, click Reboot in the following step.
3 On the next screen that appears, click Restore.
4 On the next screen, click Confirm.
The restore process takes approximately 6–10 minutes to complete.
5 When prompted, click Finish to reboot the computer.
NOTE: Do not manually shut down the computer. Click Finish and let the computer completely reboot.
6 When prompted, click Yes.
The computer restarts. Because the computer is restored to its original operating state, the screens that
appear, such as the End User License Agreement, are the same ones that appeared the first time the
computer was turned on.
7 Click Next.
The System Restore screen appears and the computer restarts.
8 After the computer restarts, click OK.

9. You will have to run Windows Update as well as Live Update for your virus protection as these will be seriously out of date!
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Old February 12th, 2008, 05:16 AM
Jill Jill is offline
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wOW, ABOVE IS AMAZING. I had no clue, so good to know!

I have never seen a Dell product which didn't come with Restore Disk. One option might be to go to Dell, or look for it on ebay. ebay has tons of system-specific Restore Disks.

I doubt the disk from the fried puter will work. MS sees to that usually, and the disk in question is about the board/bios of the original system it really goes with.

Can you pls share why you can't get into the bios? Did you try both F2 and F12? When you try, what happens?

Also, both my desktops are Optiplexes. Workstations made by Dell. Trust me, there is zero need to retain any OEM proprietary crap from any Mfg. I just dump all if it immediately....but naturally, you must make sure it is gratuitous, commerce-driven crap and not such as drivers or dll files or THINGS YOU NEED.

I also dump everything in XP that is gratuitous crap, i.e., Tour XP, all the screensavers I hate, games.....everyhing I do not want=HISTORY.

I do custom installations with every app I load, also get rid of things that load anyhow, i.e., the animated HELPERS in WORD. BLECH.

Last edited by Jill; February 12th, 2008 at 06:57 AM.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 05:45 AM
Jill Jill is offline
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Ok, I see in the title the puter is a Dimension 3000. I checked ebay, tons of Dell Restore disks, but not for Dimenions right now.....they appear regularly like everything on ebay does.

I did find this:

I keyed in all the proper info and it would cost around $35. If they offer legit products, I would be worth it for this project and to preserve santiy in the future, pls do the keying in yourself as I can't paste link to the final screen.

Way less than spending uber money on a new copy of XP.

Last edited by Jill; February 12th, 2008 at 06:59 AM.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 06:38 AM
photolady photolady is offline
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Lots of Dells come without restore/recovery disks, but if you contact them, they'll send you the disks for a small shipping fee, and it's less than the one in the link Jill provided.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 06:52 AM
Jill Jill is offline
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Originally Posted by photolady View Post
Lots of Dells come without restore/recovery disks, but if you contact them, they'll send you the disks for a small shipping fee, and it's less than the one in the link Jill provided.
Another good thing to know! And, if you get it from the Horse's Mouth, so to speak, you will know it's the best, caust that site I found seemed a little strange, I hadda check a disclaimer box before I could key in the rest of the info.

For a while, I think after Michael Dell left, he is now back....they lost market share owing to plumetting support....which was one of their best things originally. Then, they saw the handwriting on the wall and restored it.

I guess they used one of their....RESTORE DISKS.

Last edited by Jill; February 12th, 2008 at 06:55 AM.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 01:59 PM
Chatter Chatter is offline
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Thanks a lot Porthos, however I was looking to rid the computer of all the wonderful stuff that dell loads in it. Clean install will be the only way.
Originally Posted by Jill View Post
Can you pls share why you can't get into the bios? Did you try both F2 and F12? When you try, what happens?
F2 does nothing whatsoever. F12 brings me to the usual F8 screen. Useless.

Originally Posted by photolady View Post
Lots of Dells come without restore/recovery disks, but if you contact them, they'll send you the disks for a small shipping fee, and it's less than the one in the link Jill provided.
Have contacted them over a year ago, and they refuse to send one out, saying the recovery counsole is sufficient. Gotta love dell.
Is there a way to permanately wipe the hard drive of all the pre installed garbage, load my own OS (even win98 would be better than this!), partition the drive and start over fresh fresh?
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Old February 12th, 2008, 03:33 PM
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Have contacted them over a year ago, and they refuse to send one out, saying the recovery console is sufficient.
Call them again and tell them you had to replace the drive... No recovery partition and you need the disks. At least back up the driver folder on the C drive first so you dont have to hassle with finding the drivers.

Or use the recovery and use add/remove to uninstall what you dont want.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 11:54 PM
Jill Jill is offline
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Hi, again,

first & again, getting rid of all the commercial junk every Mfg includes on their disks is easy.

Second, I think you have many options: call again and ask for a supervisor in CS, tell that person without rancor, that a Restore Disk was never included is bad business and will, in the future, mean you will never again buy a Dell product , recommend that to anyone, and also will post all this on your tech site. Snail mail Michael Dell. I am serious. Make some eloquent, indignant noise. It will take time, but it works and even more important, it restores the soul and mitigates feeling VICTIM. We are Not meant to roll over in life.

Next, I found this on eBay after looking again just now.....whatevah we need eventually pops up there, sometimes it takes time, not sure if this is it or not:

I just emailed the vendor asking if the set includes the OS. I hear back fast given my feedback from vendors. When I do, I will post immediately.

Problem solving is part of the thrill of life; regard this as another exciting challenge! The cheerleader in me wil never die.

And trust me, nothing which makes anyone PMSed re the commercial garbage can not be done away with easily!

Hang in!!!!

As usual....warpspeed response. will paste, but need to find out more:


Am asking for someone on my tech site. Do these including the OS?

thanks much,
Dear ariesjill,

No, they won't let me put the O/S on ebay. I have Dell Windows XP Pro w/SP2 I can add for $20.00. Do a buy it now and then ask for an invoice and state you want O/S then I'll invoice with the added $20.00. Thanks

- jimbizserv
__________________________________________________ _______
Thanks for warpspeed response. I will now post this in the thread on my tech site for the guy.

Re the OS....would it come with a COA?

Am positive this system this poor guy is maintaining for someone which came without disks must have one. I should link U 2 the thread!

That knock off disk on the yellow site is also a possibility. In all things I think we should explore and own all the options. that is what empowering is about.

Also, I have gotten original disks on ebay for computers I find in the garbage and fix, so I kow it is possible unless the rules have changed very recently.
[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']User must have COA, this is a restore disk only.
THANKS, Jim, I will now paste this and then link you to the thread.

Last edited by Jill; February 13th, 2008 at 12:16 AM.
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Old February 13th, 2008, 12:18 AM
Jill Jill is offline
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Is there, in fact, a sticker with a code on the machine? Given it did not come with a disk, I do not know.
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Old February 13th, 2008, 12:29 AM
Jill Jill is offline
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Did you follow up on that brilliant thingy somewhere above re Symantec/Dell restore????? I mean, someting good involving Symantec should not be missed, right?

Do that stuff and burn it to a cD?
Everyone must do what is right for them, time is money, but not the only currency:

Which ever way you go, were I you (I am not)....at this point, even getting a knockoff disk or right ones on ebay....I would write to a high end Marketing Person at Dell. With "globalization"...insidious agenda....holding Mfgs feet to the fire is the ony thing which will slow down the erosin of the end justifies the means. In Capitalism, the consumer is suppoed to determine the success of any given business. But we gotta get off our butts to celebrate that privilege.
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Old February 13th, 2008, 12:53 AM
Chatter Chatter is offline
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I had to do the recovery. I uninstalled 27 pre installed programs. That's a real PAIN IN THE @@@! Grr!

Then had to scan and repair the registry, and fight with the computer to allow updates to go though.

Also had to install programs to uninstall other programs (ie Norton) grrrr.

THAT'S why I'm looking for a way to clean install.....grrrrr!!!! 15 hrs later!!! grrr errors, fix errors! MORE ERRORS! FIX!!! grrrr!

Yes, there's a sticker on the side. Yes, I've had this conversation with dell on her behalf a number of times.

I am NOT looking for recovery disks, which is only what Dell will give you, not full OS, even with the OEM code and all that jazz. I'd sooner shove a stick of dynamite into the cd rom and light it than install from recovery disks.

Maybe I'll just switch out hard drives next time...lol GRRR!!!

I might have just had my fill of Dell's this week, after working on 3 or 4 and NOT getting paid for it! LOL Good thing they're family...lol.

GRRR! AHH! GRRR...oh, and GRR!

Last edited by Chatter; February 13th, 2008 at 01:01 AM.
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Old February 13th, 2008, 12:57 AM
Jill Jill is offline
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Originally Posted by Chatter View Post
I had to do the recovery. I uninstalled 27 pre installed programs. That's a real pain!

Then had to scan and repair the registry, and fight with the computer to allow updates to go though.

Also had to install programs to uninstall other programs (ie Norton) grrrr.

THAT'S why I'm looking for a way to clean install.....grrrrr!!!! 15 hrs later!!! grrr errors grrrr!

but waaaaay! I sonds as if the Symentec thiny I had no idea existed works!!!!!

And, OK....anything involving Symantec makes us wanna drink poison....bet even Peter Norton did shortly after he sold his fine anti virus to them......but I think this is exciting!!!

And I still think you might determne to get a disk; you dont wanna go thru any of this agia, right?

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