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Old May 17th, 2005, 03:18 AM
Acyd187 Acyd187 is offline
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Would I uninstall it under add/remove programs... cause its not there.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 03:24 AM
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Hmmm, send me that file (rungame.exe). Make sure that you can view hidden files and folders (and System Files) and run a search for rungame.exe. When you find it, copy it to a new folder, zip it up (this is important) and email it to me (include a link to this thread). My address is anniefriday@xtra.co.nz. I will post back when I have checked it out.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 03:31 AM
Acyd187 Acyd187 is offline
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When I found Rungame.exe under search of my computer it said this as its file name:


and I found it under Windows\Prefetch
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Old May 17th, 2005, 03:43 AM
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No that's not it. Have another look, make sure that you can view hidden files and folders. If a search doesnt find it, open Windows Explorer and try the Windows and System32 Folders.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 03:49 AM
Acyd187 Acyd187 is offline
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When I first ran the search I used the advanced option to search though the hidden files as well... and thats all that came up. Could it be the Rungame.exe on the game disk in that case?
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Old May 17th, 2005, 03:57 AM
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I guess it could be but I wouldnt have thought so. It might help if we can see what is running on your PC. Go here and download the latest version of Hijack This. Unzip it and click on scan. Most of the files listed will be harmless and/or required so do not make any changes, just click on Save Log, copy it and post it back in this thread.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:06 AM
Acyd187 Acyd187 is offline
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Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 5:10:03 AM, on 1/2/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nTrayFw.exe
C:\Program Files\ABIT\ABIT uGuru\uGuru.exe
C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
C:\Program Files\ABIT\ABIT uGuru\uGuru_Event_Receiver.exe
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\Apache Group\Apache2\bin\apache.exe
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nSvcIp.exe
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nSvcLog.exe
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\Apache Group\Apache2\bin\apache.exe
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nSvcAppFlt.ex e
C:\Program Files\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe

O3 - Toolbar: &Radio - {8E718888-423F-11D2-876E-00A0C9082467} - C:\WINDOWS\System32\msdxm.ocx
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvCplDaemon] RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\System32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nwiz] nwiz.exe /install
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nTrayFw] C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nTrayFw.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SoundMan] SOUNDMAN.EXE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [GuruClock] C:\Program Files\ABIT\ABIT uGuru\GuruClock.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ABIT uGuru] C:\Program Files\ABIT\ABIT uGuru\uGuru.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvMediaCenter] RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\System32\NvMcTray.dll,NvTaskbarInit
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MSMSGS] "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background
O9 - Extra button: Related - {c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a} - C:\WINDOWS\web\related.htm
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Show &Related Links - {c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a} - C:\WINDOWS\web\related.htm
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nvappfilter.dll
O23 - Service: app_filter - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nSvcAppFlt.ex e
O23 - Service: Forceware Web Interface (ForcewareWebInterface) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\Apache Group\Apache2\bin\apache.exe" -k runservice (file missing)
O23 - Service: ForceWare IP service (nSvcIp) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nSvcIp.exe
O23 - Service: ForceWare user log service (nSvcLog) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetworkAccessManager\bin\nSvcLog.exe
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Driver Service (NVSvc) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\System32\nvsvc32.exe
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:17 AM
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Have you overclocked this PC Acyd187? If so, this is out of my league. You may wish to try a new thread in the Hardware Forum.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:21 AM
Acyd187 Acyd187 is offline
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I haven't OCd the comp actually... the apps came with my motherboard... I run it on the optimized defaults though... but this doesn't seem to be a hardware issue... I resolved them all before installing Windows.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:27 AM
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Ok well then the best option might to try clean boot troubleshooting to see if you can isolate the problem. See here and here for more information.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:37 AM
Acyd187 Acyd187 is offline
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well I did the clean boot as put in the first one and the problem still occurred... infact it happened faster.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:40 AM
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That being the case, I would investigate a hardware problem.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:42 AM
Acyd187 Acyd187 is offline
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Well I know that all the hardware under the wizard shows good performance with no conflicts... thats where I'm confused... it seems like theres a programming error somewhere. But I can't find it.
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:50 AM
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Are you using the Catalyst 5.4 for your graphics driver?
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Old May 17th, 2005, 04:51 AM
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You could start by checking for a graphics card driver update as Zip suggested and if no joy, run memtest86 and check your RAM.
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