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Windows Vista Problem solving for the Windows Vista Operating System. Please remember to state which edition of Vista you are using - Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate etc. and whether you are using the 32-bit or 64-bit version if you know.

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Old September 11th, 2009, 02:06 AM
nancy361 nancy361 is offline
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i was told in CNET forum to download and install CDBURNERXP and that it will work with vista...ever hear of it?. i tried it 1x and it appeared to be doing something... i hate to think though that i have to use cds to do ALL the backing up, over 700 pics and ALL the music files......plus my system only READS DVDs doesnt burn to them co i have to use cd-r with only 700MB... id prefer a USB drive but i cant get anything dragged or copied... I hate to think i may have to take out hard drive and take it to get squared away once and for all.. itll cost me a ton of money.......no matter what i do i have to get those items onto something so i can restore them back to a fresh start
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Old September 11th, 2009, 02:29 AM
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If you copy the Kodak folder, all subfolders will also be copied but as I am not familiar with the Kodak software, I dont know what is needed to backup files. If the files inside the folders are jpgs, you should be ok just copying the files. Test one first though.

Yes I am familiar with CDBURNERXP and it's doesnt work well on Vista at all. I have trialed it. It's not reliable and I wouldnt recommend it. I use Imgburn and it has never let me down. It's simple to use too.

Ok, I think we will drop trying to solve the problem from within Windows and see if we can copy the files to your USB drive using the Vista DVD.

Plug in your USB drive and grab your Vista DVD. Boot using the DVD and open a command prompt (print this page for more help) and type:


Notepad will open. Go to File Open and where it says Look In, if Vista is on your C drive, change the directory to OS (C: ) or to whatever drive letter Vista is installed on. Next, change the Files of Type to "All Files". You will now be able to navigate through your drive and save files to the USB drive. Rightclick on the file you want to save and choose Copy. Navigate to your USB drive, rightclick again and choose Paste.

When you have finished, reboot.

Let me know if this did the trick.
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Old September 11th, 2009, 03:05 AM
nancy361 nancy361 is offline
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ok ill give it a try... just follow ALL the directions in that list down to where it shows command prompt as in figure 6? then type what you said right where the cursor is blinking? its pretty interesting reading this... how you can do stuff on your system without being in windows. like before windows came out. and if there is any malware you can clean it without disrupting anything.. is there anything else i could do or ck while there as far as recycle bin is not working right still?? ckdsk can scan HD for errors and fix them....let me know....ill let you know what happens... when you say i will be able to navigate thru the drive and save files to new folder. what will my screen look like? and should i just try a few files to move onto the usb? and i will be able to move a picture within a folder to another folder by copying and pasting all within this black screen? im sorry if im frustrating you, but im one of those detailed type people and i follow steps to get to the end result.. i just dont want to mess this up... after i see if it works or not then just exit and reboot and go back to regular? then try it the way ive been trying. do you want me to use the USB folder as the place to move some trial pictures? just to see if itll work? Kodak support says to just backup the pictures to a USB or lots of cds.... i obly have a 2GB usb for now.... id love to figure out how many total BYTES i have so i know what size to buy. they can be costly too when you get up into 16 GB and up.....oh well, its about 10pm ET here , and im going to sleep, so ill be sure to try it in the morning and let you know...THANKS AGAIN
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Old September 11th, 2009, 03:24 AM
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is there anything else i could do or ck while there as far as recycle bin is not working right still??
No because we dont know what the problem is. You can run chkdsk now if you wish but I have my doubts it will help and if it turns out there is a problem with your harddrive, chkdsk will put stress the drive and might hasten it's demise. Let's get the files backed up first.

just follow ALL the directions in that list down to where it shows command prompt as in figure 6? then type what you said right where the cursor is blinking?

when you say i will be able to navigate thru the drive and save files to new folder. what will my screen look like?
Once you click on your C drive and change the Files of Type to "All Files", it will look similar to what you see when you open the Computer icon.

Sure, create Folders for different types of files if you wish and try copying a couple across first to make sure it's working. When you restart, Windows will load normally.

Once this is over, it would be a good idea to invest in an external USB harddrive and drive imaging software. That way, you wont have to go through this again. I use Acronis True Image. See here for more information.
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Old September 11th, 2009, 01:33 PM
nancy361 nancy361 is offline
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I was wondering about something..... WHAT IF i do a FULL backup thru the vista backup center, i did one last yr for the 1st time on this comp. so i have, on the taskbar, a little icon that reminds me to do one, due to being more then 30 days since last time..... I know i didnt want to do a full backup due to if any corrupted files or whatever coming along with that...but if i do a full backup onto cd-r's that i have, then i can either REFORMAT the HD or buy a new one and put it in. THEN , heres the question, when i begin to do a restore, IF I RESTORE THRU VISTAS RESTORE CENTER, can i then only choose the files i want restored???? that way, yes, i have my whole HD backed up and HD fixed, and so now all i have to do is replace the folders/files that I WANT TO KEEP, back into their proper places......will vista home basic let me do this when i restore? or is it just put a cd in and restore ALL, just like backing up, i have to back up ALL, and have no choice as to what I WANT to restore and where i want folders to go??

what do you think?? this way at least all my stuff is off the HD ....once disc is fixed, then wont it be easier to replace/restore? or will vista not let me do this? But , the good thing is, once the disc is fresh and new ill be reinstalling vista...once i reinstall it, 1st thing ill do is install my verizon DSL, so i can get online. once i get online then i can go to updates and download ALL the updates and serv pack 2 again so the whole thing is up to date, then download Rising AV software again.... then install the software from kodak as well as itunes and bestbuy dig music rhapsody. i cant restore things til i have a place for them to go, right? anyways again, what do you think about this all??
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Old September 12th, 2009, 12:28 AM
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I'm sorry Nancy but I dont know. I have never used Vista's backup software. There were problems with it when Vista was first released however I imagine they have ironed the bugs out of it since then. I did post a link for you to read about Vista's backup software in your topic in the Internet Forum. I'll repost it here.

See here. Make sure that you backup to either an external drive or DVD or CD if you use Automatic Backup. More help here.
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Old September 12th, 2009, 12:48 AM
nancy361 nancy361 is offline
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I have the cds from last yr backup and there are 8discs. 2 of them are specifically written on, one has rhapsody and itunes music and the other has my kodak pictures minus 3 new photo albums i have to add, all my favorites, most of them i should say, and my documents as well as my contacts...so thats good huh? i put the cds in and opened them and can see all thats in there from last backup.... as for the music, well obviously it would have to be updated... my system is just 2yrs old this month. so was vista brand new 2yrs ago? i forget when it came out. i just thought id run that by you to see what you thought.... as for cdburnerxp, you arent fond of that? is the one you noted in your post really easy to use? cause if so ill just use that to backup the music and those few other picture albums i have... verizon is mailing me another set up cd, should get it tomorrow. that way i can get back online....

when im ready to restore, lets say the contacts or my favorites, could you sort of explain that process? or , does that cd burner thing offer to restore folders etc. id like to be sure i know how and where to put the stuff back....
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Old September 12th, 2009, 01:01 AM
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as for cdburnerxp, you arent fond of that?
No as I said, it's not reliable and I have the coasters (bad burns) to prove it.

when im ready to restore, lets say the contacts or my favorites, could you sort of explain that process? or , does that cd burner thing offer to restore folders etc. id like to be sure i know how and where to put the stuff back....
No. If you burn them to CD, you have to manually copy the files back to the folders that they came from so you need to make a note of that.

Nancy have you tried copying the files using the DVD yet?
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Old September 12th, 2009, 09:11 PM
nancy361 nancy361 is offline
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hi AnnMarie,
i tried the vista dvd and moving folders\files to the USB and IT WORKED!! once in notepad and the c drive etc, what i did was move the contacts folder and the favorites folder and copied and pasted into the USB...i was also able to move ALL the pics into 1 place... user nancy pictures...YEA!!! i dont know if this USB will be able to hold ALL the stuff its only 2GB....so right now all i have on the USB is favs and contacts....now all i have to do is figure out the music, i can actually back up itunes from info i gathered, from itunes library i have.... rhapsody is sort of similar, i think, actually the pics can be backed up from my easyshare software tools, but like i said, i need a bigger USB or tons of cds
and i still have to figure out how and where to get all the folders and files backed up from WMP.. son has his shared music files as well as cds he imported to it... rhapsody has all the best buy music he purchased from them....

so anyways, since that all worked doing it that way, whats it tell you about the computer? anything? can things be fixed now that we know that works, or should i continue to do the REFORMATTING of the HD as i planned? thanks Ann
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Old September 13th, 2009, 12:23 AM
nancy361 nancy361 is offline
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what i noticed though with favorites folder was that not all the stuff in my favorites list is showing up in fav. folder that i put on USB drive. i have a lot of sites saved and the folder i put in USB has about 50, i have currently when i open IE8 in favs , about 80 or so give or take.... not sure why those missing didnt copy over , any ideas why that would happen
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Old September 13th, 2009, 12:46 AM
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Since that all worked doing it that way, whats it tell you about the computer? anything? can things be fixed now that we know that works, or should i continue to do the REFORMATTING of the HD as i planned?
It doesnt tell me anything Nancy. You used the Vista Recovery Environment that loaded from the DVD to copy the files. Vista itself wasnt loaded. You have started a number of topics and to be honest, I cant remember everything you have tried and I know you have also been following suggestions from other sites.

Have you tried the below options?

1. System Restore

2. Running the System File Checker

3. Running a Startup Repair from the Vista DVD

what i noticed though with favorites folder was that not all the stuff in my favorites list is showing up in fav. folder that i put on USB drive. i have a lot of sites saved and the folder i put in USB has about 50, i have currently when i open IE8 in favs , about 80 or so give or take.... not sure why those missing didnt copy over , any ideas why that would happen
No idea unless you are low on space.
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Old September 13th, 2009, 01:57 AM
nancy361 nancy361 is offline
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i asked 2 other questions in different areas because they pertained to those areas. but they since been done with... this place is only one now, and you have been only one who replys...

I did create a restore point back AFTER malware helped clean computer... and this mess all started when that virus happened. as for 2. and 3. NO i didnt do that...

as for the favorites folder, everything is in ABC order, thats how i noticed things were missing. i dont know why, not all the URLs, were there... its strange is all. fav folder is fav folder, and whats saved in 1 shouldve been on the other
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Old September 13th, 2009, 03:03 AM
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i asked 2 other questions in different areas because they pertained to those areas. but they since been done with... this place is only one now, and you have been only one who replys...
That's ok. I wasnt criticizing you, just pointing out the reason why I asked what we had tried.

I did create a restore point back AFTER malware helped clean computer... and this mess all started when that virus happened. as for 2. and 3. NO i didnt do that...
Ok. Let's try running the System File Checker first. Click on the Start orb and type cmd.exe in the Start Search box. Rightclick on it and choose "Run as Administrator". Once the Command Prompt opens, type "sfc /scannow" without the quotes and hit Enter. The System File Checker will start. It might take a while to complete so be patient. Reboot when it has completed and let me know if this helped with the copy and paste problem.
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Old September 13th, 2009, 05:55 AM
Ben321 Ben321 is offline
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It is torrents in general that that article said was supposedly "dangerous". Whether it is lime wire or bittorrent they still operated with torrent files. Now I'm not condoning piracy. I'm just mentioning that from my experience viruses from torrents are rare. I have AVG AntiVirus and it never found any viruses. That's all I have to say.
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Old September 13th, 2009, 06:13 AM
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Well Ben, from my experience, infection from torrents is common and I remove malware from computers for a living and have done for quite a few years. Persisting with this discussion is not helpful or contributing to resolving Nancy's problems so that's all I am going to say on the subject too.
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