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Old November 9th, 2016, 10:58 PM
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On Zip's reminder (and Hi Neddie, you old Aussie scourge, by the way), I voted yesterday for peace of mind. Only way you can cast a vote while sitting on your front porch (even though the church across the street is the polling place). First time my vote ever really counted for me.

Thing I like about Taco Bell, Jaytee, is that since most of the food is pre-chewed, it pretty much goes in and comes out unchanged. Hope the new pres doesn't build a wall around Taco Bells too.
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Old November 10th, 2016, 12:42 AM
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US folks are apparently hitting up NZ and Australia to take them in.


Thank goodness I have such close friends in Jaytee and Neddie here. I just need a small room for me and my rabbit, though the rabbit insists it have an ocean view. And then a room for my Mom and her parakeet.

Seems like Beano chose an opportune time to move to Canada. Americans knocked down their immigration site today. I had already checked a while ago, and if you ain't got nothing major to offer, Canada doesn't want you.
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Old November 10th, 2016, 01:50 AM
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well.. clearly American's are completely fed up with the status quo (me too!)

I actually do hope Trump repeals the Affordable Care Act.... it doesn't help and only harms me personally. Beyond that.. meh... I have no heirs and I'm older... I can weather 4-8 years of turmoil hopefully.

I don't think it's going to be armageddon like many do, but I do realize the possibility for unrest is greater. But then, so is the possibility for something different. I think the most concerning aspect is Trump plus the GOP controlled House and Senate.. plus a Supreme Court seat.. all THAT has me more concerned than Trump himself. Obama failed miserably to use the monopoly when he had it. I don't anticipate Trump being so gun shy.

As for the news anchors.. what a group of opinionated morons they were. I kept flipping channels TRYING to find some unbiased reporting... it was nowhere to be found. When did reporters stop being reporters and just become opinionated idiots with a camera pointed at them??? Cronkite... Koppel... Murrows... You were generations ahead of your followers.

For the record I didn't vote for President.. but in my state, for president.. my vote means literally nothing. It's never a close call here and the Electoral College always goes the same way.My vote really only counts on local and state levels.. national levels mean nothing.
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Old November 10th, 2016, 02:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Jintan View Post
Thank goodness I have such close friends in Jaytee and Neddie here. I just need a small room for me and my rabbit, though the rabbit insists it have an ocean view. And then a room for my Mom and her parakeet.
You your Mom and the bird are welcome. Neddie you live on the coast. Can you billet a bloody rabbit? Smurfy might be able to offer a river view lol..
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Old November 10th, 2016, 02:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
As for the news anchors.. what a group of opinionated morons they were. I kept flipping channels TRYING to find some unbiased reporting... it was nowhere to be found. When did reporters stop being reporters and just become opinionated idiots with a camera pointed at them??? Cronkite... Koppel... Murrows... You were generations ahead of your followers.
You hit that one square on the head. News has not been news for ages now I think Al-Jazeera do a fair (no I am not a jihadist) job of REPORTING rather than giving opinions
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Old November 10th, 2016, 03:16 AM
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Actually Lufbra would probably take the parakeet due to it's chicken lineage...
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Old November 10th, 2016, 06:51 PM
lufbra lufbra is offline
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Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
As for the news anchors.. what a group of opinionated morons they were.
Agreed, but I must admit that the day after the election, "some" of them and the folks they interviewed, did actually apologize for getting everything wrong. I don't recall anyone ever doing that before!
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Old November 10th, 2016, 06:54 PM
lufbra lufbra is offline
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Originally Posted by Jaytee View Post
You hit that one square on the head. News has not been news for ages now I think Al-Jazeera do a fair (no I am not a jihadist) job of REPORTING rather than giving opinions
Al-Jazeera does some awesome news reporting, it's too bad their US channel (Al-Jazeera USA) gave up after just a couple of years "on air", I guess their name scared viewers away from watching!
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Old November 10th, 2016, 11:31 PM
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John, it's just a friendly rabbit. Named Bugsey. Never does his business anywhere except for his alfalfa filled litter box. Okay, he does eat furniture and carpets and electrical wires, and tennis shoe lace tips, and sheets and blankets, and I guess clothes when he gets a chance, but he's a friendly cuss.

Actually have no need to emigrate, though thanks for offering Neddie and Smurfy's homes Jaytee.

Realized that in truth, the changing of the person in the presidency rarely has much impact on my life. Yeah, taxes may change, but they kinda always do. Recession? Been there, done that. Red Dawn? That mostly dealt with the west coast, where I don't live. Making a little jest, cause I of course know the change may have global issues. But thinking what the new pres said while campaigning is not what will happen when he's pres.
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Old November 13th, 2016, 03:39 AM
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I've got to vent...... and well.. don't have an outlet .. so I guess here is good

I'm conflicted... I dislike Trump, sad he got elected, but I respect the 56+million people that voted for him. Not happy that the popular vote and electoral vote were different... and well.. I don't want to be shoved into one side or another. That's just not me. I'm not a "burn things down" type of guy. I'm a "grin and bear it.. get through it and make it as good as it can be until it's better" type of guy. I feel I understand the Trump votes and sympathize on some level... but then I understand the protestors as well and sympathize there a bit too. I also realize the media NEEDS to focus on the extremes.... and sometimes it's difficult to remember that those are extremes.... not the norm. The extremes (on either side) are very unsavory to me..... have been for a while.. and perhaps that's why neither candidate was acceptable to me this election.

Like many.... I think who is in the presidency generally has little impact on me personally.... but.... then I think.....

- I MUST pay for the Affordable Care Act today.... no choice.. the President made it mandatory or I could be jailed. Quite honestly I feel like I'm being mugged every time I have to write a check to the insurance company or pay taxes. And realize I actually cut checks... it's not like my employer is covering health care, I'm self employed and get ZERO subsidies. So every single penny comes out of my pocket, and no rates aren't any cheaper today for me than they were 10 years ago..... so... well.. if Trump repeals the ACA.. uhm.. yippee for me.

- The biggest, most significant impact Trump can have will be the Supreme Court seat, since it's generally the court that shapes our daily lives (and it's a lifetime appointment). Imagine he appoints a judge and Roe v Wade is overturned? That would effect millions of lives.... not me directly, but that's just one rather large example.

I don't think the world is going to end, and I think the protestors are all displaying WHY Trump won... many in this country are tired or being told how to be "politically correct" and the election of Trump was the "snap back" reaction to 30+ years of socially shaming free speech. I did not, and would never vote for Trump, but I can sympathize with the desire to tell the overly politically correct segment of the population to just go F themselves. Free speech for all.. not just free speech which doesn't offend you (metaphorically).

For the record, I'm not now and have never been a fan of Trump's persona. I don't agree with almost everything that comes out of his mouth publicly (ever not just during the campaign). But I don't personally know the man. All I know is what the media has shown me, and that for the most part has been either offensive or just insulting to me. So, no, I do not like Trump. I personally don't agree with many things that may have been the catalyst for Trump's election, but I also am aware it's not my place to tell others what opinions are "right" or "wrong". And right now... the protestors are reacting to the exact same sentiment they have been foisting onto others for decades. They should be ashamed. Every single person that accosted or belittled someone because they didn't respect Obama when he was elected should be downright ashamed of their own hypocrisy if they don't respect our current President Elect. If not the man directly, then the office -- and realize that half this country DID vote for Trump. Just because it may not have been your half, doesn't make your opinion the only correct opinion.

My outrage today is that we still have an Electoral College making it possible to win the vote, but lose the election. THAT is what the protests should be focusing on.

Yes I think the next 4 years, or at least 2 with the controlled House and Senate, are going to be troublesome. But, I also view it as "ripping the band aid off" as well. It may suck... but things have slid so far to one side, stifling the middle class, stifling free speech, a completely gridlocked partisan government that is ineffectual, people being told their opinions are wrong, etc... that it was inevitable that things would take a drastic turn, and they WILL eventually balance out. It's just a matter of how far the Trump reaction will go, and subsequently how long it will take to get to that balance.

In short I look at it this way......

I'm an artist. I have never improved in my art by hearing compliments. I don't learn anything new by hearing how someone likes what I've done/am doing. The only time I grow as an artist and in my work is when I hear dissent and dislike. An opposing view or voice forces me to take a fresh look at something and find a different, perhaps better way of achieving an end result.

It is my hope that the Trump presidency will be this dissenting, differing, period in American history which may be painful to live through, but will then ultimately make us a better democracy afterwards.

So to the protestors... **** and learn to grin and bear it..... other opinions are just as valid as yours. You are embarrassing yourselves, and this country in the eyes of the world. Enough with your tantrums, children. Dislike the man all you want... but respect the election results just as you were expecting Trump to respect results. Put the shoe on the other foot and ask yourself how valid would anti-election protests have been if Clinton won??? yeah.. that's what I thought. The world's a horrible place if it doesn't agree with you... is it no wonder 56million people are trying to tell you to put a sock in it??
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Old November 13th, 2016, 07:48 PM
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what happened to your last post that began like this:
"I've got to vent...... and well.. don't have an outlet .. so I guess here is good" ?????
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Old November 13th, 2016, 08:24 PM
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I removed it... it was just a rant. Probably best not to clutter things with my rants --

Basically I dislike the protesting as much as I dislike Mr Trump. But I respect the election results... at least until the Electoral College is abolished.
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Old November 13th, 2016, 11:05 PM
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It was a pretty good opinion from the middle of things. I am okay with it being posted.
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Old November 14th, 2016, 12:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
I removed it... it was just a rant. Probably best not to clutter things with my rants --
Nothing beats a bloody good rant...
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Old November 14th, 2016, 01:43 AM
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Okay.. I put it back
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