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Old September 28th, 2007, 05:10 PM
prelars prelars is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Posts: 21
Hmmm. I downloaded the ATI Tray tools, but the main reason I downloaded it and what I was looking for - the fan control - in the 'Hardware > overclock settings > fan' tells me that there's no supported hardware found. I know I've obviously got a fan in my laptop, but I take it this is perhaps built more for desktops, would be my vague guess?

Anyone know how I might be able to fix this, because I've opened up every dialog box and menu settings this program provides, and it doesn't have anywhere that I can get it to recognize and control the fan within this laptop. In that 'fan control' box, it has the '[ ] Include in profile' line but it's all grayed out, and below it is just the black text: No supported hardware found. Any thoughts on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!