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Old December 13th, 2012, 01:32 AM
Nites2k Nites2k is offline
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Setting for folders and icons will not stay

Hello I'm sure this is something that is simple to resolve but for some reason settings for my folders and icons will not stay. For example when i start up my computer and move my trash can to the lower right corner on my desktop, reset the computer and the trash can will be lined up with other desktop icons on the left. Another example is if I assign a picture for a folder it will not apply the settings even if i select "apply" or "ok". Another is when I change the view of the icons of folders within a folder, select one of those folders, then go back to the main folder with the icon folders the view reverts back. Sorry if this seems a bit confusing. Please ask if I need to re-explain anything. This issue is extremely annoying!

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