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Old May 24th, 2023, 06:26 PM
Total Noob Total Noob is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 579
A regular hardcopy newspaper, namely the St. Louis Post Dispatch, for a train ride. I highly recommend regular newspapers because they are organized in importance for you, have no bs trending feeds that are probably lies or clickbait placed by bots, and allow you to find everything by stumbling across it rather than having to hunt for what you don't know is there.

FWIW, that is how I came across an article announcing that one new form of media is dead, pretty much for the reasons given above. Almost all restaurants have given up electronic menus reached by QR codes. It is buzzkill to have to pull out phones instead of eyeball your date, complicated to pay the check, and results in poor service and reduced checks and tips because users assume servers to be mere deliverers of food, no more knowledgeable than busboys about the food and wine, so they don't get asked for advice and extras don't get ordered.
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