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Old November 1st, 2011, 03:43 PM
Total Noob Total Noob is offline
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Originally Posted by smurfy View Post
User naievity does not = scam.
Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ all have the same functionality to "imort potential friends" lists from your email account(s). All of them do the same thing - if that user does not already exist in their user database, it sends them an invite.

Your rant is (again) misplaced.
No, it is your complacency that is misplaced.

It is an obvious, and probably illegal, fraud to send friend "invitations" in the name of persons who haven't done so.

In the law, signing someone else's name to a bogus request is called forgery or counterfeiting and perpetrators get hard time in prison measured in decades.

To dismiss criminal behavior of large public companies like Facebook and LinkedIn is a huge mistake -- the kind of mistake that leads to Madoff incidents and the like.